RDI & Just Noticeable Differences

intentional parenting just noticeable differences rdi Jul 22, 2023
RDI & Just Noticeable Differences - Image shows a child's foot in the grass.

Recently, I had a 1-1 session with a family that I have been working with for a few months. They have been intentionally implementing RDI (Relationship Development Intervention) concepts with their child and during our session they shared some amazing observations.

  1. Their child now takes his shoes off outside and walks in the grass barefoot
  2. Their child is seeking more connection
  3. Their child did an amazing job during a recent visit to the hospital, which is usually a HUGE trigger for him.

This made me so excited because these seemingly small observations or “just noticeable differences” are everything! These moments provide valuable insight into what is truly happening in a child’s brain.

In this example, we can see that…

  • The child’s brain is able to handle new sensory experiences
  • The child is initiating engagement
  • The child’s brain is becoming more calm and able to adapt to difficult situations (because we have created the necessary supports for success).

What Are Just Noticeable Differences?

In my training to become a certified RDI Consultant, I was introduced me to the concept of "just noticeable differences” which is something I have come to love and a practice that I incorporate it into my daily life and work.

"Just noticeable differences" is a term borrowed from perceptual psychology to represent minor perceptual changes that are noticeable by a person. The “just noticeable differences” method of observation benefits both guides and children who have experienced repeated failures or challenges in achieving goals.

This approach also helps modify a parent's mindset from focusing only on symptoms or problems to instead focusing on the slow but beautiful processes in the journey of development for their child. The fact is, goals constantly change. But if we can take the time to notice those small, subtle differences, it makes a world of difference for our ability to identify success as it happens!

To me, this means paying attention to subtle shifts.

If you’re asking yourself “how do I know that growth is happening with this new perspective and RDI way of being?” The answer is.. by recognizing these small moments!

Often autistic children work with professionals who have many goals listed for them to achieve.  As we focus on these big goals…we often miss the stuff that matters long term.

As parents and guides, we need to allow ourselves to break things down and look for the small but super important shifts that support those BIG goals.

Taking the time to look for "just noticeable differences" helps you slow down and be more present in the moment. It also gives you the beautiful evidence that things are working. It keeps the hope alive, and also helps you to join with your child on their journey… every small step!

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