Self-Paced Courses To Support Caregivers & Support Workers of Autistic Children

A photo of a mother guiding a child. Nancy Gilette RDI Consultant


Understanding Behaviour

(Intro Course)

This self-paced online course offers valuable insights and a fresh perspective into autism and the brain, how to approach challenging behaviours, and develop intentional, calm and effective parenting practices. Join me, as I offer an introduction to proven RDI strategies that will help you gain a deeper understanding to effectively support and nurture your autistic or neurodiverse child's development.

Purchase the course for just $9.99!

"Autism: A different perspective"

Webinar series for Professionals

Equip professionalsĀ with a new understanding of ASD and effective tools to anticipate and plan supports for autistic children and youth. Discover strategies to support growth and development and reduce challenging behaviours in the classroom and community.

Learn More

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